Alex Jones “Louis Farrakhan: Angel Or Devil?”
5 min read
Alex Jones is not Bill Hicks we can see by the photo that they are cousins. But they are still both Danish royals.
This story was first published in 2016.
The title of this page, "Louis Farrakhan: Angel Or Devil?" comes from Prince Gustav of Denmark AKA Alex Jones' site. It demonstrates how the phony mainstream media create managers for both ends of a problems spectrum. All this is so the public will fall somewhere in between the two extremes and the choose a side further dividing the masses. A unified voice has always been the one thing the powers that be fear.
I like to take both those ends and show you they are the same. How do I know this? Simple. If one were to say the things that they say about another person regardless of whether or not they are in the media, they would get sued.
Therefore, if the people you see on the news were not created straw persons, there would be lawsuits filed like crazy. For example, if one were to say anything about me and cause me damage I would have grounds to sue them. So when you see two entities fighting on TV you can bet they are both owned by the same media outlet and that outlet is usually the conglomerate owners of the corporation that owns the network they appear on.
I exposed Alex a while back, as being Prince Gustaf, and many jumped on me saying it can be true. But when you look at the evidence and see the fact that he has numerous individuals working for him that are identifiable as Royals, then the evidence outweighs people's opinion.
Some other facts about Jones, he has a son named REX. Rex means king. He has an employee Aaron Dykes, Dikes as in the little boy who put this thumbs in the dikes to stop them from leaking. (Which is an American fairy tail not even from Holland.)
One, in particular, is his number one man and who happened to be the partner of Bill Hicks. And by the way, Alex is not Bill, but Alex is his cousin. As you will see in the family photo at the bottom. But the person that I am speaking about now is Kevin Booth. Kevin is the producer of Alex's products and also is a Royal.
And if you send yourself Kevin Booth's nose does not really look the same, well you be right. Because he had a nose job
Jones and the alt media are located in Austin Texas. This is where UT is located. The UT clock tower shooting was the first school campus shooting in the US. It was a hoax as well.
As I mentioned some of the other royals that work for Alex Jones.
You can see the above prince in disguise playing the role of a federal reserve bank employee who asks Alex Jones to leave. All staged all fake all to conn you. Skip to 0:49 seconds in.
And now for Louis Farrakhan, we see that Louis is actually Herbie Hancock musician. We also know that Farrakhan is a musician as well and plays the violin and several videos.
Here is where the scandal begins as we see Louis Farrakhan people have outed him as having a half white grandchild.
Now they say that Louis Farrakhan has an older brother. That older brother. I have not been able to find any photographs of and I am suspect to believe that his brother may be Elijah Mohammad, but that speculation.
As I have stated numerous times before. Hollywood, as well as TV, are a pay to play business. If you want in you first have to be blood to the top owners. Even though you are related you still have to pay the piper, and that comes in the form of a trade deal. You have to play a role for them as you see above the actors then get rewarded with their own TV show Webster. You see them stay together because they are siblings and will never tell on each other. So they continue to work and know as long as they are loyal to the system they will be taken care of.
This deliberate disfigurement through expression was something that the JackAss clan who were doing the fake: “people arrested for dancing at the (whichever) monument in Wash DC- there was this guy who had his arm around another guy. He had cheap pink wayfarer (imitation) sunglasses on and he was also drawing up his face into a mock sneer as part of his ‘dis-guise’ as a sissy-guy. Hahaha!
In that first picture, (top of page) of Prince ‘Alex Jones’ of Denmark, if you look at the smiles and especially of his wife’s smile… well, is this what we could call actor ‘affect’? It almost looks as if they are intentionally disfiguring their smiles somewhat. In her photo (Linda/ Morning Mayan or whatever), is exposing extra gum with her crooked, unnatural smile, while he seems to be doing the ‘stiff upper lip’ actor “AFFECT”
This deliberate disfigurement through expression was something that the JackAss clan who were doing the fake: “people arrested for dancing at the (whichever) monument in Wash DC- there was this guy who had his arm around another guy. He had cheap pink wayfarer (imitation) sunglasses on and he was also drawing up his face into a mock sneer as part of his ‘dis-guise’ as a sissy-guy. Hahaha!
In that first picture, (top of page) of Prince ‘Alex Jones’ of Denmark, if you look at the smiles and especially of his wife’s smile… well, is this what we could call actor ‘affect’? It almost looks as if they are intentionally disfiguring their smiles somewhat. In her photo (Linda/ Morning Mayan or whatever), is exposing extra gum with her crooked, unnatural smile, while he seems to be doing the ‘stiff upper lip’ actor “AFFECT”