Vaxxed Documentary
2 min read
If you have the need to control the people because you think that if they knew the truth about what you were lying about they would string you up, you might want to insert agents loyal to you within the populous. This way you would have the ability to know if a threat were brewing, and or be able to steer this menace another direction. Ultimately, you need a way to combat the people from getting the idea that they can challenge the establishment, to begin with. That is accomplished by cutting off any unified movement from ever starting and through the media you would embed the beliefs and morals which you know will keep the people in a constant state of fear.
Pick a movement, any movement
If the people believe there is someone already fighting for their rights against a tyrannical corporation that has become a threat, they are more likely to stand on the sidelines and watch others do the fighting than they are to get in the mix themselves. There are many legitimate reasons for their actions, family, friends, job, or lack of leadership qualities can all be a deterrent from the average joe citizens from standing their ground.
Examine the obvious problem vaccinations have become and their link to the developmental stage in a child’s life. The current number of 99 vaxx’s a child must receive throughout its life is cause for alarm, and the corporations that manufacture them know will be a war they will not win, but they will fight until it becomes not profitable.
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The CDC (Center for Disease Control) is the government agency outfitted with the most funding (second to the war machine that is) but their responsibility is believed to be the agency that protects the people from bad medicine and is supposed to set the standards by which physicians are to practice medicine. But we see whenever money is involved, and a corporation is in control their loyalty is diverted to protecting the people to protecting its own existence and that means being friends with their funding rather than the unprofitable perspective that protecting the people from those looking to profit from their fears the media creates every time you hear “get your flu shot, or bad things will happen to you”
Ahhh I wondered why I see them so often. I had presumed the spelling was as per the pronunciation.
I think you might be right.
See my video on lens distortion and you will understand you can’t overlay faces if the lens that was used was different for the photos.
correct on the veneers
Controlled Opposition - Cut and Dry…
Oldest trick in the book…
If you get a moment check out Jean Claude Juncker and Sir Peter Bottomley.
It’s sometimes necessary to do that so there is no lawsuit. I’m not saying that is or isn’t the case here but just FYI.
In order for someone like me to do what I do for so long with only being thrown in jail a hand full of times you must be knowledgeable about the laws and not give them something they can use against you. You must always tell the truth, and you will be left alone for the most part, but they will from time to time play with you.
Okay, John Ritters son Jason really had a different appearance as Dr Lakey. In THAT picture his resemblance to John Ritter was obvious. His resemblance to himself (I know. Sounds quite odd) when not in character as Dr Lakey, . For one thing the teeth are not great match because the front two have been enlarged with dental veneers? For other feature matching, I tried to concentrate on the sort of ‘biometric’ aspects nose length and shape, filtrum and lips,,, wouldn’t an overlay of the faces be helpful?
Again Ed & co. you expose how “low” these vaccine makers will go! These families are being exposed one by one. God has given you this ability for such a time as this. Everything done in the dark is being exposed to the light. Ed your hard work is vital now more than ever. As one of your supporters, words cannot express my grattitude for your strength & courage! I stand with you 100% & the truth. I have researched the horrors of vaccines & told so many to do the research ,if not for themselves but their CHILDREN! We must stand together. Take care & I pray for your safety. Susan
Typo on Nigel’s name too. It’s Farage but maybe irrelevant.
See my video on lens distortion and you will understand you can’t overlay faces if the lens that was used was different for the photos.
I think you might be right.
If you get a moment check out Jean Claude Juncker and Sir Peter Bottomley.
correct on the veneers
Okay, John Ritters son Jason really had a different appearance as Dr Lakey. In THAT picture his resemblance to John Ritter was obvious. His resemblance to himself (I know. Sounds quite odd) when not in character as Dr Lakey, . For one thing the teeth are not great match because the front two have been enlarged with dental veneers? For other feature matching, I tried to concentrate on the sort of ‘biometric’ aspects nose length and shape, filtrum and lips,,, wouldn’t an overlay of the faces be helpful?
In order for someone like me to do what I do for so long with only being thrown in jail a hand full of times you must be knowledgeable about the laws and not give them something they can use against you. You must always tell the truth, and you will be left alone for the most part, but they will from time to time play with you.
Ahhh I wondered why I see them so often. I had presumed the spelling was as per the pronunciation.
It’s sometimes necessary to do that so there is no lawsuit. I’m not saying that is or isn’t the case here but just FYI.
Typo on Nigel’s name too. It’s Farage but maybe irrelevant.
Controlled Opposition - Cut and Dry…
Oldest trick in the book…
Again Ed & co. you expose how “low” these vaccine makers will go! These families are being exposed one by one. God has given you this ability for such a time as this. Everything done in the dark is being exposed to the light. Ed your hard work is vital now more than ever. As one of your supporters, words cannot express my grattitude for your strength & courage! I stand with you 100% & the truth. I have researched the horrors of vaccines & told so many to do the research ,if not for themselves but their CHILDREN! We must stand together. Take care & I pray for your safety. Susan