Laura Loomer Is Not Who She Claims To Be
16 min read
Laura Elizabeth Loomer is a far-right American political activist and Internet personality. She was a reporter for Canadian far-right website The Rebel Media during the summer of 2017, resigning that September. Prior to June 2017, she worked for Project Veritas with James O'Keefe.
The following information will show you a side of the ALT media that you might not know even exists. The talent you hear making the radio circuit are nothing more than paid plants and I'll prove it to you.
The following is a short section from her Wikipedia page. The rest is continued at the bottom of this page.
Loomer was raised in Arizona. She attended Mount Holyoke College and, after transferring schools, graduated from Barry University[6]with a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism.[7] She is Jewish.[8]
Loomer has been described as part of the alt-right movement,[b] as well as alt-light.[6][9][10] Fortune has described Loomer as a "far-right provocateur".[11] Loomer has described herself as a nationalist, and has described immigration as a threat to American heritage.[9] She has rejected the label of alt-right, and has publicly repudiated white supremacist Richard B. Spencer, who coined the term, and has refused to share a stage with him. Loomer has received anti-semitic threats and harassment from the alt-right following this dispute.[8]
Loomer has promoted a number of conspiracy theories, mostly related to mass shootings; falsely insinuating that school shootings in Santa Fe, Texas, and Parkland, Florida were staged and that the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooter was affiliated with ISIS.
How do I know this? Before I answer that questions let me start by telling you about my experience with the Occupy Dallas protest. I filmed Laura taking part in the event and speaking on the megaphone as one of the protest organizers.
I went to that event with the purpose of identifying the organizers and the protesters who at the time I knew were being paid by and was sanctioned by the Department of Homeland Security.
How do I know this? When the protest started in New York, I was a regular on the Joyce Riley's The Power Hour nationally syndicated radio show. I was investigating the Gabby Giffords shooting in Arizona but got sidetracked by the Occupy Wall Street protest. While watching the youtube and news videos showing the alleged Police Brutality along with the claim they arrested 400 protesters on the Brooklin Bridge, I began to hear conflicting statements from the interviewed protestors. This caught my attention so I decided to look at these protest closer.
I found photo and video of the alleged arrest and noticed on the street written in chalk was the word police and a line drawn under it. It just so happened that the protesters chose to sit just feet from that marking in a line across the street in the middle of the bridge. The police just so happened to line up on the opposite side of the letters on the street.
Really? A coincidence the words police just so happened to be on the ground exactly between the protesters and the police? Please, you have to be high to think we would believe that. The marking was put there by the production crew in order to show the actors involved where to locate themselves so the cameras and lights would be set up in advance to film them.
That told me right there it was a HOAX, but I decided to take it to the next level and pull the police dispatch audio for the event.
Heres what I found.
So you have the police broadcast archive wiped from the day prior for the special ops and for the police the day of the arrests. The police had to be involved in order to make the archives disappear. Then you have the marks on the street telling the protestors and the police the spot they are to stage the arrests.
As you hear in the video I mention the NY police department has a policy they do not use pepper spray on crowds. But you would never know that since all the media showed was the police pepper spraying the protestors. Since we know the police don't do that we know what we are seeing is staged and fake. I have said from day one if an event is real there is no need to fake anything.
After I exposed this in the days after the Brooklyn Bridge arrests, I spoke about it on Joyce Rileys Show. The following day the group Anonymous made a video threating me, saying if I showed up to the Occupy Dallas protest the next week they would have me arrested.
If you know me, you know if someone tells me I can't do something or threatens if I do they will harm me, you know that's all I need to make sure I am front and center the second they begin their protest. I'm not afraid of anyone, and no one tells me what I can and can't do.
So I made a video telling them just that. I also said I will be there to video every one of the protestors faces so I can ID them along with the protest organizers. It caused a lot of attacks to come my way in particular from one of the main fox news favorites Jesse LaGreca who threatened me personally.
So the day came when they were to protest and myself along with my team, who I sent in ahead of time to infiltrate the group, arrived on set. Good thing I did because they had people on the corners keeping a lookout for me. Once they saw me they signaled to the rest of the group and all you saw were people texting, while they looked around till they spotted me.
I could spot earpieces in the ears of many of the protest organizers. Also, some of them were wearing yellow armbands which on's own website defines them as peacekeepers.
If Ryan Dunn had not of flipped me off I would have never noticed him and Jessica Chobot.
He was supposed to be dead at this time. So looking into his alleged car wreck I could see it was all just another lie.
So with one photo, we can prove Ryan Dunn is not dead (Don't worry there are more photos of that crash that I cover in a video, that also confirm the fact he did not die)
We have proven by the police action of removing the dispatch broadcasts and the production marks on the street that what the media was showing us were really staged events.
Now that you know this, as you look at the protesters in Dallas, know they are just ACTORS who are paid to play the roles in front of the news media. They are FAKE and paid agents of the DHS who were at the Dallas Protest in DHS windbreakers standing in the background of the photos and video I shot that day.
None of the protestors looked very happy to see me that day. She got very nervous when she saw I was looking directly at her. I can only imagine what they were thinking at that very moment.
They were all visibly affected by me not backing down from their intimidation tactics. In the video above you can hear one of them say sorry after she ran into me on purpose.
More Actors involved in the Occupy New York Staged event.
You see by the use of dorsal hand vein analysis we can positively identify the actor Jamie Kennedy as playing the role of the victim in this protestors vs police fight.
When I discovered the "Actor Based Reality" and started exposing those involved I got noticed by the alt media shows. As I mentioned before I was contacted by Joyce Riley and eventually became a regular on her "The Power Hour". My investigation of the Gabby Giffords HOAX shooting in Arizona set me on a path that alarmed the alt media owners but at the time I had no idea that my investigations were getting ready to take a turn and head directly for those alt media conglomerates.
Little did I know that the individuals involved in the Giffords HOAX were a small part of a much bigger family of actors, who were producing everything you see on the TV. I speak about this on the Celtic Rebels radio show.
As I reported my finds to Joyce at the time I had no idea she was involved, looking back it all makes sense now. The direction of my investigations must have put the people at the top in a panic mode. Joyce offered to be my agent and advice me on the radio shows I should accept their invitation to appear on. I was doing sometimes 3 shows a day all around the globe. For several months I was doing shows constantly, almost to the point where I had no time to do my investigations. Then Joyce offered me my own show on the GCN network. Se wanted me to do a technology show 5 days a week and give me 30mins-and hour of her shows time for it. It was about that time when I realize what was really happening.
The above video is proof those at the top were scared. They sent one of their own to try and get dirt on me. Watch till the end because it's a real jaw dropper.
I turned the offer down and decided to do a radio show on a different network then GCN, because I knew there would be an issue with there advertisers conflicting with my work. But what really confirmed my suspicion about their offer was the day I was to go live, Joyce plugged my show on GCN. All of her listeners switched from GCN to my show on a different network.
I know then what they were up to. No way would a host on one network plug someone on another network causing their listeners to switch networks especially when the show that followed Joyce was Alex Jones show. So because she did that all their listeners switched and I ended up debuting in the 6th spot on talk stream live just behind Alex Jones' show in the 5th slot. It was the first time a debut show ever broke the top 10 list.
I did three shows then made the announcement I would not be continuing because my heart was in the investigations side of things. The offer that Joyce made was an attempt to occupy my time and keep me from continuing my investigations. This was apparent when she tried to make sure my show was successful by getting her fams to switch to my show. This directly conflicts with corporate marketing rules COKE does not advertise for Pepsi and vice verse but Joyce advertised for me. They figured if they couldn't keep me occupied they better find some way to. So they sacrificed their listeners and lost profit in order to invest in my success which would, in the long run, be profitable for them so they justified it.
I know Loomer is a paid actor and just part of the Alt media shill talent. I see her going on all the alt media shows. That circuit is what I was doing. What's different from my experience is they were trying to find out what I already knew. She is pushing the same old fake stories that were created to fear monger the public. These fictions are used to get the audience to believe she is a freedom fighter and fighting for the people. While at the same time she is gaining street cred, the shows she is on are believed to be good sources of information when they are nothing of the sort.
So the network's profits from her being on the show and she, in turn, is able to gain a following of people who when the time comes she will lead them off a cliff at the orders of her handlers. This further splinters the people and crushing any hope they had that she would be the person they could trust to fight the bad guys for them.
I can't even listen to those shows anymore. I feel embarrassed for people that believe the far-fetched stories of Masons and Illuminati, along with aliens etc. It's all a fiction the media owners craft to get you to tune in and buy their videos and books. Nothing will change unless you change your thought process. Know that everything you hear from these alt media characters is meaningless. it will not change anything.
Heres another one that's making the rounds again.
The corporations do not want change but there are some companies that thei8r job is to make you think change is around the corner. But it's not. It will never be until the day when they are all shut down or exposed ad frauds then the people might wake up to the huge lie and the hijacking of their possible evolution.
Loomers Wikipedia Page cont.
Laura Elizabeth Loomer (born May 21, 1993) is a far-right[a] American political activist and Internet personality. She was a reporter for Canadian far-right website The Rebel Media during the summer of 2017, resigning that September.[1][2][3][4][5] Prior to June 2017, she worked for Project Veritas with James O'Keefe.[2]
Loomer was raised in Arizona. She attended Mount Holyoke College and, after transferring schools, graduated from Barry University[6]with a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism.[7] She is Jewish.[8]
Early life
Loomer was raised in Arizona. She attended Mount Holyoke College and, after transferring schools, graduated from Barry University[6]with a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism.[7] She is Jewish.[8]
Loomer has been described as part of the alt-right movement,[b] as well as alt-light.[6][9][10] Fortune has described Loomer as a "far-right provocateur".[11] Loomer has described herself as a nationalist, and has described immigration as a threat to American heritage.[9] She has rejected the label of alt-right, and has publicly repudiated white supremacist Richard B. Spencer, who coined the term, and has refused to share a stage with him. Loomer has received anti-semitic threats and harassment from the alt-right following this dispute.[8]
Loomer has promoted a number of conspiracy theories, mostly related to mass shootings; falsely insinuating that school shootings in Santa Fe, Texas and Parkland, Florida were staged, and that the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooter was affiliated with ISIS.[12][13] [14]
Loomer is a former employee of James O'Keefe, a conservative activist known for producing selectively edited undercover video investigations.[15] Until her resignation in September 2017, Loomer was the New York correspondent for the conservative Canadian far-right news site The Rebel Media, which has been referred to as the "Canadian Breitbart."[6][16]
In March 2015, Loomer used a concealed video camera to record her conversations with Barry University officials, discussing the idea of starting a club called "Sympathetic Students in Support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria." The official responded by asking her to change the name to "Students in Support of the Middle East." The video of her encounter was released by James O'Keefe with Project Veritas.[6] O'Keefe alleged that Loomer's video captured a university official unfazed at the notion of starting an on-campus organization that would support ISIS.[17] Shortly after the edited video was released by O'Keefe, Loomer was suspended by Barry University for violating the student code of conduct rules; criminal charges were also filed against her for taping university officials without their knowledge or consent.[18] At the time, Loomer was an honors student in her senior year, the president of Barry University's Young Republicans Club, and majoring in communications.[19]
According to a Clinton campaign official, in July 2015 Loomer and two other women posing as supporters of Hillary Clinton attempted to "entrap" campaign workers into accepting illegal cash donations. The official said that the campaign had complied with the law.[20]
On November 8, 2016, the day of the presidential election, Loomer went to a polling station dressed in a burqa and asked for a ballot under the name of Huma Abedin.[2]
In June 2017, Loomer gave a speech to a crowd of anti-sharia marchers in New York City and condemned "liberals who aligned themselves with sharia law."[21] Loomer put a burqaon the Fearless Girl statue adjacent to the Merrill Lynch building.[22]
On June 7, 2017, at a Chelsea Clinton book signing event in New York City, Loomer asked Chelsea to sign a copy of her new children's book She Persisted to Juanita Broaddrick, one of former President Bill Clinton's most persistent accusers. The former first daughter refused to sign it.[23]
In January 2018, an associate recorded Loomer riding the service elevator that Stephen Paddock had used to transport numerous firearms used in the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting. Loomer rode the elevator from the ground floor to the 32nd floor four times without permission of the hotel and was not engaged by Mandalay Bay hotel security. Wynn had previously said, "No public person has ever ridden a service elevator (at a Wynn property) unless they were accompanied by security."[24]
Loomer attended the March 2018 trial of Noor Salman under press credentials, which were revoked after Loomer harassed Salman's family. Loomer returned to the trial the next day and was removed by a U.S. marshal.[25]
Loomer disrupted an event promoting James Comey's book A Higher Loyalty. She was taken out of the building by security.[26]
In August 2018, Loomer confronted Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar and Michigan House candidate Rashida Tlaib at a campaign event for Omar. In the edited video Loomer shouted to Tlaib, "Rashida, are you willing to admit as a congresswoman that Hamas is a terrorist organization?" Loomer then asked Omar why she was hateful toward Israel and why she married her brother. Omar had previously denied those rumors concerning her personal life.[27]
In September 2018, Loomer briefly disrupted a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing. Loomer accused Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who was giving testimony before the committee, of censoring conservatives on the platform and of attempting to influence the election in favor of Democrats. Republican Representative Billy Long, who was an auctioneer before joining Congress, drowned her shouting out with an auction chant until she was escorted from the building.[28]
Julius Caesar play disruption
On June 16, 2017, Loomer disrupted the Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar in New York City, by walking on stage during the live performance shortly after Caesar was assassinated.[29] Before being escorted off the stage by security, Loomer shouted "Stop the normalization of political violence against the right! This is unacceptable!"[30] The play portrayed a "Trump-like" Caesar with a Slovenian-accented wife.[31] Loomer, who is pro-Trump, was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing.[32][33] The Public Theater responded by saying although they're "champions" of the First Amendment, the disruption was caused by "social media".[34] On June 19, 2017, Alyssa Rosenberg of The Washington Post wrote that she didn't believe Loomer was genuinely offended by the play, and that she disrupted it for attention and to collect a $1,000 bounty that was offered to anyone who would disrupt the production.[35]
On June 19, 2017, as a guest on the Fox News program Hannity, Loomer admitted she knew that disrupting the Shakespeare in the Park play would result in criminal charges against her. During the interview, Loomer compared the "Trump-like" Caesar assassination to a May 2017 video of former CNN host Kathy Griffin holding a mask of a bloody severed head of President Donald Trump, Loomer called the Caesar play and the Griffin video "assassination porn" and accused the "left" of a systematic pattern of using free speech and art as a pretext to promote violence against Donald Trump and the "right".[36]
On June 20, 2017, The Daily Beast reported that 'Free Laura', a website for soliciting donations for her arrest, was purchased by Loomer's employer Ezra Levant, the owner of The Rebel Media, six hours before the play started, according to domain records.[37] Loomer was also promoting separately a WeSearchr page for donations, that had received $12,385 from 241 contributors, receiving more money in donations than the normal penalties for the charges she was facing.[38]
Social media
On November 1, 2017, Loomer tweeted that she was late to a conference because she could not find a "non Muslim cab or @Uber @lyft driver". Following this, both Uber and Lyftannounced that she had violated their guidelines and was banned from using their services.[39]
After the May 2018 Santa Fe High School shooting, Loomer implied on Twitter that the tragedy was actually staged, prompting concerns about the spread of misleading information and conspiracy theories by troll farms and social bots.[11]
In July 2018, Loomer promoted the false narrative that a man arrested with bomb-making equipment and illegal weapons had been a "leftist antifa terrorist".[40] The individual in question was instead a conservative whose Facebook profile was littered with pro-Second Amendment memes.[40]