Gabby Giffords Shooting HOAX
1 min read
It’s been many years since I released all the Giffords information proving the event was a staged drill. So I just wanted to provide you with a few items that you can use when telling people about the actor based reality and that all the active shooter events are staged drills and no one gets hurt or killed.
Things to notice in the images above. The photo of the EMTs working on the body and the guy in civilian clothes reading off the card in his hand. He is a controller and his job is to provide the drill teams the info they need to know about the injuries they will be treating.
The Controller’s job is outlined in the ExPlan Document that I leaked from the DHS.
Here are the police broadcasts that day. NOTE they make the call for the mass shooting TWICE with one hour between them. That’s because it was a multijurisdictional Drill that each department has to take their turn playing out the scenario.