The factsÂ
Behold The Power Of One
Posted by dallasgoldbug | 17 comments
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RE:Prince Alex Jones And His Royal Co, MUST GO!
Alex Jones,part of the problem. When I first stumbled a...
By Joe, 3 months ago
These images were found in the Greenb...
By dallasgoldbug & xdisciple, 3 months ago
Prince Alex Jones And His Royal Co, MUST GO!
It's time for all the Royals and their affiliates to le...
By dallasgoldbug, 3 months ago
In 1964 Malcolm X declared Patrice Lumumba "the great...
By dallasgoldbug, 3 months ago
Copyright 2017
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is the Most Gigantic Multi-Jurisdictional X-Plan Drill that has ever been done, period…
Weâre talking multiple State Agencies crossing State lines to participate together in the same event along with the Federal Agencies involved. Not just one State with multiple Law Enforcement Agencies, participating in a State wide Drill funded by the Federal Department of Homeland Security, but Multiple States Agencies crossing State lines to conduct a - Nation Wide Multi State - Jurisdictional X-Plan Drill coordinated by the Federal Department of Homeland Security and funded by YOUR TAX DOLLARS…!!!
This is the BIGGEST HOAX that has ever been perpetrated on the American people and the Native American interests are laughing all the way the Bank courtesy of their Go-Fund me accounts… Ha..! Good for them…!!!
They finally woke up, and demanded their piece of the PIE…
Ahhhh…!! Hahahahahaha….!!! Oh, man. What a JOKE…!!!
All of the principle parties involved in this made for Prime Time Actor Based Reality T.V. Show are just that, ACTORS…!!!!
None of this is real, people…! Please wake up…
Oh hey, I learned from the best…
Yea your right. Sorry…
This one hit, “close to Home” …as it were. Seeing the reaction of some of the townspeople up there from the threats to thier families from these thugs was hard to take…
Goodgrief. I donât know what to do…
My Post from
Rescued By Mary
Rescued By Mary1 hour ago (edited)
More prophetic words couldnât have been spoken when you said that we need a, “big leader in the church to come out and say something to these people”…
Pam, I said over a week ago to watch for the Pope to get personally involved in this situation at Standing Rock… Thatâs right. Soon the Pope himself will publicly respond to the coming developments at Standing Rock… And it will be right on cue…
Everything that you are seeing on the “News,” be it mainstream or alternative has been planned out ahead of time. The whole thing is a staged event. The script has been written and all the world is the stage…
Rescued By Mary
Rescued By Mary19 minutes ago
I seldom reply to myself, but man, this has got to be the Hoax of the century… I mean, this whole thing is coming off without a hitch it seems… With all the principle players involved falling into position and playing their part at the appointed time, everybody is getting caught up in the script and not seeing the overall pigeon drop game that is being run down on the American people… None of this is real, people… Itâs all fake. All of it…! Get this, please…
“Its public knowledge that the Rockefeller Management Company is no longer owned by the Rockefeller trust, and was bought out by the largest Japanese Real-estate company, Mitsubishi Estate Co.” ~ Ed
“So I could see a deal with a Chinese company being real and if thatâs the case then you will see more Asian influence via Reid and his Rockefeller acting family in the future for sure. Then add T. Boon into the mix and it spells nothing but drama.” ~ Ed
Just trying to put the pieces together here with the financial developments behind the scenes of Standing Rock…
Check out this video here:
Tell Mizhuo Bank and the Bank of Tokyo to divest from the Dakota Access Pipeline!
Here is the Web Site:
With Harry Reed standing up in front of Congress and pushing this TERRRORIST ATTACK against the United States taking place in Dakota we are beginning to see the connections between the principle players involved…
The White House in now commenting on the situation:
This is one of the most elaborate HOAXES to date I think…
???…Dakota Pipeline CEO & Trump…???
Sorry to keep posting here… Donât know what else to do…
Here is your connection between The Bundy Bullsh*t and Harry Reed
Itâs this Standing Rock situation going on right now… Here is Harry right here…
…going on about Standing Rock etc…
This is all steamrolling into a headway…
Here we go, Ed…
What do you think about this situation and the appeal that is being made to Veterans, like yourself, to show up at Turtle Island…???
What the HELL is Dave Matthews and Graham Nash doing with this PIED PIPER routine in Washing DC…??? What is the connection here…???
More Police Violence at Standing Rock â Is This Real News or Fake News?
Is this whole thing some kind of ploy of some sort…??? The National Media is FAKE…!!!
What is really going ow with this Actor Based Reality News Show over there in Dakota.??
Been following Pam…
The Truth is slowly starting to come out…
Humans have a special problem, not only are we herd animals but we are domesticated herd animals made to be herded. Magicians of some sort tamed our asses long ago. And they do it by organising us. Forbid organization and this shit might go away. Only chance we have. Organization is devolution always headed toward the oldest form of socialization the social insects who are so specialized the individual canât live outside the organization. Organization destroys the sovereign individual. Organization and freedom are mutually exclusive.
Check out the guy middle front row. His arms seem to meld together with the guys each side of him.
What…? This again…???
Whatâs going on with all of this, “everybody is the same person” theory…
Think maybe itâs because his arms are in front of the other arms…? I donât know…
Kinda hard for me to see the facial features well enough to make good comparison of the faces but I see enough to be fairly sure that one face plays every face of that soccer team. Itâs illusion within illusion. A virtual reality called life on earth.
Ed. Here is Lisa Fithian playing a part in the Dakota Pipeline Hoax…
I wondered where the people were who didnât experience the camps the way theyâve been dramatized. These survivors donât even seem to recall working that hard, though supposedly these were work camps (instead of “extermination” camps).
The big clue, of course is the endless mileage being made off the holocaust story, especially with Spielbergâs movies. Anything that gets this much play over so many years we have learned, by now, is fake.