Behold The Power Of One

Sandyhook HOAX

The Sandy Hook HOAX Fairfield County, Connecticut - Live Audio

You heard it here first. While others were bashing my work and calling me names, I remained on the trail hunting down the individuals involved with this hoax. Without my job, all these so called researchers wouldn’t even know the name, Greenberg. But that’s fine with me, as they can’t even begin to catch up to my level. Even if they do steal my work and claim it on their sites for their own. We all know where they got it from.


gene-trammel gene-and-john  

HOLLYWOOD, CA - DECEMBER 02:  Actor Sean Astin (C) with daughter Ali Astin (L) and wife Christine Astin attend the premiere of 'The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug' on December 2, 2013 at TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California.  (Photo by Barry King/FilmMagic)

HOLLYWOOD, CA - DECEMBER 02: Actor Sean Astin (C) with daughter Ali Astin (L) and wife Christine Astin attend the premiere of ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug’ on December 2, 2013 at TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Barry King/FilmMagic)

Tom Astin

Be cautions of the wolf in sheep’s clothing, as they are paid to protect the lie and will appear to be legitimate researchers asking questions, but questions but their intent it to guide you away from the family.

Faith Graham talking to another family member actor that we see has crossed over and played a role in the sandy hook event.

Faith Graham talking to another family member actor that we see has crossed over and played a role in the sandy hook event.

Faith Graham claiming to be talking to random people about politics but in reality she is talking to her staged family member actors.  This one is Mackenzie Astin AKA Robbie Parker

Faith Graham claiming to be talking to random people about politics but in reality she is talking to her staged family member actors. This one is Mackenzie Astin AKA Robbie Parker

Who Is The Sandy Hook Actor That Plays Robbie Parker? Untitled-2 Untitled-1 The_Graham_Family robert-graham rgraham-family parker ice-man-again allen 10258265_10208856072743959_5237105858906407943_o





The latest SandyHooker


Another Greenberg Family Member Actor





Be sure to listen to my Jim Fetzer interview. You can hear them on the Radio page.

And note the connection he has with James Tracy (aka Marvin Bush)


















This is part 2 that pertains to this page.


It has never been my position that they are Jennifer Greenberg Sexton and Richard Sexton. They are the son and daughter of HANK GREENBERG the Baseball player, not Maurice Greenberg the former AIG CEO. See graphic below.

Massive UPDATE:

According to them, there is no Sheriff. So Sheriff Vance is completely fraudulent.


Make sure you subscribe also so you can stay up to date with new information.


King Kong Bundy resigns bringing the current Greenberg Actors score to 0 and DallasGoldBug’s score 17 acting officials that shortly after I exposed them, they cut and run.


SAME ACTOR APPEARS AGAIN IN THE OREGON SCHOOL SHOOTING HOAX. Proving they are using generic pre-shot clips of actors they have in their library and editing them together and making up the story that is told to you via the news.

My take is at 6’5″ tall and looking as he does, when its all said and done it’s not like he can blend in with the rest of society while he tries to get his next acting job. Be on the look out for him in Australia or Canada the two places these family members have large numbers. Plus they will not recognize King Kong Bundy as well as they do here in the states.


EVENT was a DRILL. No children are dead. Stop believing these lies produced by the Greenberg family who just so happens to live close by on Flower Farm Ln. You will see the business Hoffman contracting is registered to Tony Greenberg’s Home at #12 Flower Farm Ln. Look in that direction for clues to who is behind the scenes pulling the strings.

Julian Lennon



Further connections to the Greenberg’s as the actors. We see Family member Rick Brickell and his niece Rebecca Greenberg playing the latest additional roles.

You might remember Rebecca as Rebecca Black the annoying “It’s Friday It’s Friday” artist. Who is signed to Sony and that happens to be where her Uncle is the CEO of the Entertainment division Michael Lynton.

We also see her mother playing her role in the Sandy event.

To understand how they perform an ExPlan Drill and see the key elements that are present in each of them that you can use to identify the HOAX for what it is, watch the video.

Another Rockefeller/Greenberg Connection

I actually met John Astin, and his wife Val, while staying at the Abby Rockefeller’s house. I was there with Robert Groden while we were doing a symposium/book signing. Marina (Oswald) Porter was staying there as well. Abby Rockefeller lives in Edgar Allen Poe’s Childhood mansion, It just so happens that Jeff Jerome is the curator of a Poe house.

Side note - I sketched a portrait of John for him, and he autographed it for me. Very nice guy.



804- 834am
9:38 Now in lock down.
9:39 Shooter is still shooting in the office area
9:46 Newtown Sgt.. on scene unknown if the subject is located.
9:46 You should have two Newtown Sgt’s on scene with another patrol car
9:49 negative on the description shots fired about 3 minutes ago but quiet at this time.
9:54Suspect is down the building is not secure.

1004-1034am 201212140904-339029-9921

10:04We have a staging area for the parent students

10:09Reports of an active shooter. KEY reporting the event a second time as they do to allow the participants involved (other agencies) a chance to play a part in the training exercise

10:10Change to a different channel for comments about staging areas etc.


10:33amScene is not active at this time.

1103-1133am 201212141003-842348-99211133-1203pm

1233-103pm201212141133-632138-9921103-133pm 201212141203-743334-9921

132-203pm 201212141232-965656-9921



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