Take note of drill locations and the officials that are overseeing them. You will find in almost every situation the officials are actors who we have identified. This is key because you need their compliance in order for the drill to remain a secret.
With Las Vegas the same is true.
How Many More Do I Have To Expose?

Kevin is the producer that was also the cameraman for Bill Hicks and also is a producer for the Alex Jones show. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks cousin.
Todd Kyle Former Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary of the Domestic Infrastructure

Peter Dale, Chief of Harahan, Louisiana Police Department is Realy Peter Aykroyd. The brother of Dan .

Karry Cassidy, founder of Project Camelot also plays the role of the Washington DC Police Chief Cathy Lanier

After digging and digging, I finally found one photo of these two actors. As you can see the handwriting is a match as well as their affiliation to the rest of the Payne family that is associated with the JFK Assassination hoax.

Here is the a bunch of the family members, including Michael Greenberg and Paul Tate who actually played Charles Manson, and of course Pat Boone, who also played one of the Apollo astronauts, All playing the role of bikers in the latest story that came out of Waco that involve the shooting of the bikers at a local restaurant which will remain unnamed because the entire event was just too advertise that restaurant

Pat Boone while known for his singing career also played the role of an astronaut as well as a senator we see him along with his friends Michael Greenberg, Paul Tate, Sharon Tates brother who also played. Of course Charles Manson on the news during the Waco biker shootout creating content for the network.

Officials sleeping on the job? Well, that’s not as bad as the public who have been asleep at the wheel for the past 200 + years to allow these actors to infiltrate the government.

Brigadier General Scobee with obvious ties to the Rothschild family. This is a possible conflict of interest since that family is alleged to have ties to the raw material providers for war-related items.
Ed, does Melissa Gilbert also play Liz Claman, CNBC money host?
Its as if we were lead to find this truth its all so much but we are very WellAware!! Thanks to Ed C and all his research.
still working on the forensics but it looks to be Ray Ramano.
Damn straight! That voice gave it away
Well I have been attempting to do a comparison between them (Romano / Lombardo) by using unsophisticated techniques such as downloading pics of both that at least have similar portrait angles and similar hairstyles and (in the case of Ray) lack of beard… I have been viewing them flash-card style in one of those slide show programs.. I try to see major features that don’t change so much with different facial expression (affect I can say that they don’t look drastically DIFFERENT at least.
My question would be: What victim name(s) are good to start with and obtain a CERTIFIED copy of a Certificate of Death???
Any will do.
Here’s what I know from my experience in attempting to share with others that there are major elements that do not add up: Most people can no longer tell the difference between direct evidence and hearsay. But instead, so far what we have been shown is an audio-visual presentation… Lots of belief and stories of the panic that was generated… and the new-found “camaraderie” of a shared experience from an event.. I am hearing a lot about a crowd making a hasty exit from an interrupted concert… People should be really pissed off at that! Instead they immediately rant and bark at me for suggesting that there is something wrong with this picture!
If a thousand bullets were fired why has no evidence of bullet strikes? Are slugs being collected from the staging, sound equipment, turf and vendor booths at the impact zone? If 500 people were really injured were all of the bullets that struck them lost? What happens to slugs pulled from someones body in a hospital? are there any x-rays showing slugs lodged in a bone or the bone shattering effect that a high-velocity rifle bullet impact can produce? Some will respond that this is all evidence and would be collected and cataloged… where is the blood? should there not be a lot of it almost everywhere?
If Jane Fonda is Pelosi.. then who is Joan Rivers?
Please connect the dots in a recognizable fashion.
I’m new here so please excuse my ignorance.
Also if wounded girl from Las Vegas is Melissa Gilbert..
Then who is Christmas from Big Brother 19?
I know. I know. They all play many parts. So, are my connections correct? Or not?
What does Fonda have to do with Rivers?
You are right… Sisolak HAS TO BE SAME PERSON AS SORVINO. PRETTY SHOCKING HOW THE FACES LINE UP/ OVERLAY. I attended a county commission meeting a couple summers ago to oppose the “more cops” tax which Nevada voters, in state wide referendum (?), opposed TWICE and these asswipes passed it anyway in a predetermined 3 to 2 vote!
It makes ya sick. As for Lombardo… (so who is he really) he was elected by an allegedly narrow margin just prior to that. I had walked districts gathering support for his opponent Larry Burns… who had (seemingly) overwhelming support from rank and file cops… ie: Larry Burns for sheriff stickers were everywhere.
This Prettyboy Lombardo… it makes me want to wretch. Yes, you are right it was a multi-jurisdictional response and I don’t personally know anyone who works in the emergency rooms of either UMC or Sunrise Hospital which sounded like they were the principal hospitals impacted. I try to show the evidence you present to those close to me… but to no avail… and now there are cops all over the strip and the proposals to set up all events with airport-like security. Also, I don’t know about automatic weapons and suppressors in Texas but everywhere else you pay for a Class III license to alter or possess either.
So Paul Sorvino is Steve Sisolak, the chair of Clark County Commissioners. He will likely be the next Governer of Nevada… this is sickening and so in-yer-face.