I think that about wraps up that case. Now you know the OJ Trial was a scam. Staged so they could create Court TV, and of course profit from all the BS books and documentaries over the past 20+ years.

Megyn Kelly is Nichole-Brown Simpson. I told you the OJ trial was fake.
Dont forget Gerald L Pickering Police Chief of Webster

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- Megyn Kelly, Nichole Brown Simpson
Oh yes, you can its called hand vein biometrics. Do your homework, I don’t want to have to spank you again.
Megyn isn’t 57, dumbass.
DUMBASS they lie.
They lie idiot.
They did an extremely poor job of hiding her identity. Even the untrained eye can look at the two faces and see that they’re the same person.
Yes, they think lying about NB’s fake age would throw people off. hahaha
https://youtu.be/FNMlsLBu5Xw, Ed at about 12:10 0f this video the a reason is given for O.J Simpson frame -up as pertaining to the Capricorn 1 movie he was in and wanting to spill the beans about fake moon hoax.
Sometimes the Hoax is a Hoax…
Well, I don’t know about that. but Sports figures are excellent targets for these types of staged events. If they didn’t manage their money wisely, and continue to spend as they did when they were getting the big checks in their prime days, there is more than likely a chance they will be easier to tempt with a check later on in life when they are running low on funds.
I have to agree with that. The Schumacher ski accident hoax is a perfect example, in my opinion.
Mind if I share a picture? It is all about common sense, as you have mentioned a lot of times.
On the left a true event, on the right a fake event:
Also you see a lot of sports people in tabloids. All contracted. Can’t be true because of the privacy law, right? They have to agree or they can sue the tabloids, which the tabloids don’t risk.
No not with sports people. They are contracted to represent the League they play for. Each city LEASES the Team Name from the League. So for example the Dallas Cowboys are owned by Jerry Jones. WRONG, he leases the name from the NFL they are licensed to use that NFL Logo and Team Name. That is important because you will learn that all the players , refs, coatches , owners all work for the League the NFL. This makes it possible for the refs to cheat and call mor penalities for one side or make bad calls helping a selected team the league wants to win. If they were all seperate corporations then they could sue the refs for costing them the game. but since they all workl for the same corp they are alloued to do what ever they want. Its theri corporate law they abide by. With that in mind the sports figures represent the league 24/7 so they can be photographed. But if you use a persons likness in a advertising piece then you have to get their permission.
Ok very interesting. It is because they are contracted by the league, the tabloids can write about them, right?. If they where not, it would be privacy violation. In Europe we have this hooligan problem with soccer. I think these corporations profit from these people acting out in a violent way, totally dedicating their lives to a sports corporation like Ajax Amsterdam for example (I’m from Holland). Merchandise is booming business. It is just a game really with anything and yet, they like the animal reaction from people. I don’t want to compare it to war, because that business is dirtier, but this is also same principle. Show the people drama and they act out in some kind of way. People totally dictate their lives to a sports club, not even the players, because next year these players can be playing for the opposition.
Ed, changing subject take a look at this……https://youtu.be/VsKwGqHD0Sc and this
Are you aware of this ? well I checked to see about general ham and he went to john carroll university ….jesuit institution…just saying
All I can say is if you see it on the mainstream media then know its all scripted and fake.
Yes she is Rosan Barr, and takes my work and hardly ever mentioned where she took it from.