All in the name of oil.
But that’s beside the point.
Let’s look back to the last attempt to get the US taxpayers foot the bill for the group that is associated with the oil and gas industry namely Halliburton. If you examine the strategic location of Syria, you will understand they have wanted a pipeline that would eliminate the need to transport their products the long route via sea. So who will pay for the multibillion-dollar project? Well, let’s see option one. The US Powers That Be negotiate a deal with those who own the land they wish to use for their pipeline. EXPENSIVE. Option 2. Stage a fake war using your media assets to plant another “INCUBATOR BABY MURDERS” as was the fuel use to push the 1991 Gulf war in the minds of the public. Much cheaper considering your family members are actors and they are willing to stick one to the American public namely because they could care less because they are even Americans, to begin with.
Well, let’s see option one. The US Powers That Be negotiate a deal with those who own the land they wish to use for their pipeline. EXPENSIVE. Option 2. Stage a fake war using your media assets to plant another “INCUBATOR BABY MURDERS” as was the fuel use to push the Gulf war in the minds of the public. Much cheaper considering your family members are actors and they are willing to stick one to the American public namely because they could care less because they are even Americans, to begin with.

As you age your lobe’s stretch, especially for women who wear heavy earrings. As we see Arden’s photo from around 2007. Additionally, we have no idea when they shot the footage of her playing the role of the Nurse Nayirah. Who later we were told was the daughter of a Royal. Funny, a 15-year-old nurse who never traveled to the US spoke perfect English.
Option 2. Stage a fake war using your media assets to plant another “INCUBATOR BABY MURDERS” as was the fuel used to push the Gulf war in the minds of the public. Much cheaper considering your family members are actors and they are willing to stick one to the American public, namely because they could care less because they are even Americans, to begin with.
Remember the most recent attempt by ARDEN’s Cousin and his mother playing role’s once again of victim’s of a FAKE chemical attack.

Here we see our favorite domestic terrorist and his mother taking their turn in the attack on the people with their acting in the staged FICTIONAL chemical attack on the Syrian people.

As an actor, he doesn’t care what the role is plus his mother pushes him to do it. Listen to her tell him to fake cancer so he gets all the presents like his mother did.
This is Christians mother. Her photo identifies the man in it as her grandfather. Looks like Roy E. Disney to me
Christian Traeumer (actor fro the movie “The Child”. don’t worry is sucked you didn’t miss anything.
With option two here’s what you get:
The Army core of engineers (MEANING funded by US TAXPAYERS) Gets to work on the project. The US military takes the land from its owners by force and use those military forces to secure and protect the pipeline (FROM FICTITIOUS TERRORISTS of course) which eliminates the need to hire private security (AGAIN US TAXPAYERS FOOT THE BILL)
So this, along with TRUMPS decision to allow the Standing Rock pipeline to go through and now this move to grab more oil really shows TRUMP while claiming he is not taking orders from the elite he sure is helping out the ROYALS since BP (British Petroleum And Shell Oil are all the QUEENS) It makes perfect sense to me.
First the ear lobes. With one face playing multiple roles they often mess with the ear lobes, either adding or taking away the lobe. The ears will look the same except for the lobes. In pictures, still or moving, presented by the media notice how the lobes will often look faded and different from the rest of the ear. And they probably do stretch with use.
One thing that puzzles me is the power behind all this. It seems overly simple to give that power to a family of actors. The power behind all this deception controls the militaries, intelligence agencies, medias, economies, etc of the world. It must go deeper than a family of actors. And how do we get rid of such a concentration of power and wealth? I haven’t found a conspiracy web site yet that is not a psyop with the possibility of wellaware1 being an exception.
It’s because this family dates back to royals. They are the families who are behind it all. They have owned the printing presses since the beginning.
Now ABC news is claiming the Syria hoax idea is Russian propaganda. And they’re turning Donald Trump into a wartime president.
Now ABC niteline is saying the Russians are behind viral headlines that Syria was a hoax . Defending their part in the hoax and clouding your claims that it was a hoax. Donald Trump is becoming a wartime president to help cover his ties with Russia . And they’re all in on it.
Yes, they are all in on it. “Russia” is the name given to a corporation, as is the USA & every area of earth referred to as a “country.” The ruling families, the “royalty” have inter-married for generations. All work/play together to keep their “subjects” enslaved & terrified.
Maybe interesting :
Nothing makes any sense to me these days, this is as good as it gets, albeit a bit shaky, to my mind, but thank you for this-Vatican owns more than you make out here, designs more of such events than you can ever know, thank you..
We can point to numerous sources as the power behind our hell on earth such as Vatican, banks, Jews, corporations, Mason’s, Illuminati, etc. And all those arguments seem on the money. But at some point we must realize that something, probably the same something, is behind all those cases. The world stage is one great big deception. Never underestimate the enemy. When you think you got it figured out you have only moved to another layer of deception. I don’t know who or what is at the bottom of it all and I don’t think that bottom is exposed yet. It is way deeper than any of those entities. The magicians see us coming and got it covered so far.
It goes very deep. The actual controllers are well hidden. Plans are laid many years in advance, with variables ready to meet the moment. Multiple agendas but the main ones to instill fear, anguish & separation which furthers the reach of control. Ed is doing a great service uncovering the deception behind what is seen & taken for granted as real. His brilliant expose of history cracks open “reality” as no one else has done before. It is up to us to choose what to do with this information.
Yep, yep. Just as 9/11 was the least expensive most desirable option to take down the twin towers & push war agenda (money-maker). Public pays for it all. Get out there & work harder! Get out there & fight for your country!
Awesome ! Makes perfect sense. Now time to get off the oil etc.
Note: Option 2 is mentioned twice.