Jan 10, 2018
President Obama is a fraudulent character played by the same actor that played BJ Armstrong.
Sep 10, 2016
Orly Taitz (born August 30, 1960) is a figure in the “Birther” movement, a conspiracy theory which challenges, whether Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen eligible to serve as President of the United States. She has also run for statewide office in California three times and is a dentist and a lawyer.
May 19, 2016
If you are not aware who Brett Greenberg is, you can review some of the videos that I did about him in the early days of my investigation. His cousin is Tony Greenberg. The person that was the lead when it came to the majority of these alternative media hoaxes events until I exposed his identity. So they quickly put an end to his alternative hoax career. That, of course, left them with the need to find another point man, and Brett seems to be that person. He actually works at the White House for Obama as we see in this video above, and the connection that he has to Obama is through David Axelrod, who was the former advisor to Obama and is married to a Greenberg.