Aug 25, 2018
Now, what do you have to say, haters?
I put up with all the attacks for years and now there is the proof.
Sep 25, 2017
The Following is the official info from various sources compiled by Wikipedia. Know its all BS and the powers that be in Hollywood, along with the military created these characters and implanted them in the fabric of the US culture. As a mechanism of profit and perception management, these military operatives were used to gather information from those around them and were the internal spies of the US.
Mar 22, 2017
When an event is real there is no need to fake anything. This means eyewitnesses included.
Watching the live footage streaming in online I recognized one of the eye witnesses as a well known BRITISH Comedian Colin Mochrie. If you see this video clip pay attention to the reporter who mentions the name COLIN as he is talking to a person standing off camera.
Jan 19, 2017
The Greenberg family have been the focal point of my investigation since day one when I found their family photo album online. It was those individuals that identified in those albums that play key roles in the hoax events that you see on the news and believe that are real. Know these faces.