Mar 20, 2017
Aug 21, 2016
Are you going to be afraid of how others react to you showing them the facts? Or are you going to tell them they are wrong, and if they don’t look at the facts they will be helping the enemy of humanity attack this country and every other country that they target?
Jan 23, 2016
The issue of actors playing roles as elected officials while using stage names or pseudonyms to disguise their known alternative persona is a global problem. I would be willing to say that every UN affiliated nation is infiltrated, and possibly corrupted from the very start with these scum actors.
Nov 15, 2015
Some might ask, “why does it matter?” So what if he’s Brent Gretzky, brother of the famous Wayne Gretzky? Well, it means 1. he’s lying to you about who he is to his constituents. 2. Do you think it’s just a coincidence he is your Prime Minister, or is it more like he was chosen not by the voters of your country but hand selected by the media conglomerates that control the people of this planet?