Behold The Power Of One


Remember Mitch Is A Royal!

Posted by on Jan 11, 2018

Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. is an American politician AND A ROYAL, who has served as the senior United States Senator from Kentucky since 1985. A member of the Republican Party, he has additionally served as the Senate Majority Leader since January 3, 2015. Wikipedia

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Citigroup Executive Busted

Posted by on Jan 10, 2018

Cindy Lee Miller Sheehan (born July 10, 1957) is an American anti war activist whose son, U.S. Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed by enemy action during the Iraq War.

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JFK Assassination Sam Giancana Identified

Posted by on Sep 25, 2017

The Following is the official info from various sources compiled by Wikipedia. Know its all BS and the powers that be in Hollywood, along with the military created these characters and implanted them in the fabric of the US culture.  As a mechanism of profit and perception management, these military operatives were used to gather information from those around them and were the internal spies of the US.

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Bush And The 9/11 Producers

Posted by on Apr 6, 2017

Another 9/11 WTC Eye Witness identified and it’s a big one.

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Luke Rudkowski

Luke Rudkowski

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James Leonard Bogner III  AKA Luke Rudkowski Like you didn’t know his name was a pseudonym.

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The Planet Is Not Flat. End of Story.

The Planet Is Not Flat.  End of Story.

Oct 31, 2017

My goal a few months ago was to find simple observable evidence that could prove without a doubt that in fact, we are on a spheroid shaped planet.

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Las Vegas Sheriff Needs To Step Down

Las Vegas Sheriff Needs To Step Down

Oct 6, 2017

Take note of drill locations and the officials that are overseeing them.  You will find in almost every situation the officials are actors who we have identified.  This is key because you need their compliance in order for the drill to remain a secret.

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Las Vegas Shooting HOAX UPDATE

Las Vegas Shooting HOAX UPDATE

Oct 2, 2017

Do I need to say it?  Really?  I don’t even have to show any images, but I will because some of you haven’t seen it all before.  Remember MULTIPLE agencies arriving out of their jurisdiction is your clue.

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JFK Assassination Sam Giancana Identified

JFK Assassination Sam Giancana Identified

Sep 25, 2017

The Following is the official info from various sources compiled by Wikipedia. Know its all BS and the powers that be in Hollywood, along with the military created these characters and implanted them in the fabric of the US culture.  As a mechanism of profit and perception management, these military operatives were used to gather information from those around them and were the internal spies of the US.

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Antioch Church Shooting

Antioch Church Shooting

Sep 24, 2017

Antioch  Tennessee, The Church where the shooting took place is 3891 Pinhook Rd, which is across the street from the police chief’s home.  VERY SUSPICIOUS.

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Parsons Green Terror Attack HOAX

Parsons Green Terror Attack HOAX

Sep 15, 2017

Parsons Green terror attack Hoax

The level of stupidity is unprecedented with this one.

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